JYSK is part of Lars Larsen Group and have implemented a set of Group policies, formalised in the Lars Larsen Group Employee Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is signed off by President and CEO of Lars Larsen Group. Policies, which are formalised through this Code of Conduct, adhere to the requirement of the Danish Financial Statements Act §99a, i.e. policies on:
Human Rights
Environment and Climate
Anti-Corruption and Bribery
Social and Employee Terms
President and CEO of JYSK is overall responsible for compliance with the Code of Conduct. Strategic- and day-to-day responsibility and decision-making is divided between relevant senior management functions, including Compliance and Human Resources.
Cases of non-compliance with Lars Larsen Group Employee Code of Conduct will be managed case by case and with dialogue and involvement of relevant stakeholders.
You can find the Lars Larsen Group Employee Code of Conduct at Lars Larsen Group's corporate site.
UK Modern Slavery Act
The statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Please find our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement here.